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Image by Miguel Ángel Hernández



AVACI is integrated by the international societies and alliances that represent and/or manage the rights of Audiovisual works’ Authors, Screenwriters and Directors.

Its creation and foundation were born due to the necessity of expanding the defense of the audiovisual author’s right worldwide, as an non waiverable, unalienable and non transferable right belonging to its author’s life work, who is the owner of that work.

Even today, incredibly, there are countries that not only do not have a law that protects this right of remuneration for their audiovisual authors but also, they do not have a collective management society that protects them.

AVACI - Audiovisual Authors International Confederation, is integrated by five Continental Alliances: 1) Africa, 2) Asia - Pacific, 3) Eurasia, 4) Europe and 5) Latin America, which are, at the same time, integrated by societies of audiovisual authors and societies with collective management of the Screenwriters and Audiovisual Directors’ rights from the respective mentioned regions. 

Due to the fact that the customs and habits and the respect of the cultural, social and political diversity implies that no continent or region should regulate sovereign matters of the other foreign countries or regions, the political organization of this Confederation, with five international alliances, proposes to guarantee that no region will influence with regulations or will apply rules that could be beneficial in its own country but not in the others. 

Thus, it is about achieving a dialogue and the necessary agreements that take us to get only one worldwide voice in defense of the audiovisual authors’ rights.

It is about authors helping authors, without profits, not only to get these rights by creating their own institutions in their territories to defend them, but also to spread them worldwide, as the history itself needs it.


Having an International Non-Profit Confederation is a historical fact for all the Audiovisual Authors worldwide having, as their main objectives, the cooperation and help to create new Societies with Management of the Audiovisual Directors and Screenwriters’ rights, which, as we already mentioned, do not have these organizations, yet.

It is our main objective to promote the interests of the creators of every continent and region of the world, guaranteeing, this way, that the audiovisual authors have a fair remuneration for their works’ use, wherever the country they belong to.

Defending the audiovisual authors is defending the culture of every country, and that invisible link is the one which joins us together as people and which represents us in the way we think and live.

New digital technologies have changed, both in an extreme and in a fast way, the instantaneous and global exhibition of audiovisual contents of different international productions generating a healthy decentralization within the market, but publicly exposing a lot of audiovisual materials which have author’s rights for their Screenwriters and Directors. 

These rights are not being either respected or financially compensated, even when there exist worldwide legislations which defend the author’s rights, like the Berne Treaty and many other local legislations in every country.

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